4 Tips To Get a Better Sear
Why does food seared to a deep, dark golden brown taste so good? What you're tasting is the delicious byproduct of the Maillard reaction, which occurs when the surface of...
When it comes to cooking, there are two main materials that can get you a perfect sear.
READ MORE >Why does food seared to a deep, dark golden brown taste so good? What you're tasting is the delicious byproduct of the Maillard reaction, which occurs when the surface of...
Iron is notorious for getting rusty. Let it air dry, or clean it with corrosive cleaners, and you’ve got an orange mess. That’s why stainless steel was invented. It’s still...
Shiny copper pots look unquestionably posh, and a matte black cast iron skillet gives off kitchen a rustic vibe. But aesthetics aren't the main reason why pots and pans are...
In cookware, materials matter a lot [link to heat article] when it comes to transferring heat from the stovetop to your food. But it doesn’t just matter which metals your...