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Misen Accessibility Statement

At Misen, we’re passionate about using design to make the world of cooking accessible to everyone, and our website is no exception.

As we grow, we’re devoting more resources toward making our web experience more accessible, from top to bottom, mobile and desktop. This includes auditing our site to enhance its legibility for screen reader and voice recognition software. We’re doing everything we can to ensure that everything we make is easy to use, whether it’s in your kitchen, or on your browser.

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Website Accessibility at Misen

At Misen, we believe cooking should be accessible to everyone. That's why we've dedicated resources towards ensuring our website is accessible for all, including those with disabilities. Our approach encompasses a range of accessibility initiatives, from utilizing alt tags for all images to ensuring navigability for screen readers. We continuously work to adhere to the best practices and standards, aiming to provide an inclusive online experience. Our commitment extends beyond mere compliance; it's about creating an environment where every user can explore, learn, and shop with the same level of ease and enjoyment.